Google Chrome Update: Mute annoying website with a click.

In a bid to make the user browser experience better, google will is rolling out a new version of Chrome browser his week. New and exciting features have been added to the veteran browser but the best addition is the ability to mute sites with autoplay videos. Web surfers including myself find it annoying when videos are being played while they scroll through the pages of websites.

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37 Cheap Online Mart for Phones and Gadgets you don’t know

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Phones and gadgets are some of the most demanded items behind food and fashion products. This increased demand has been met by the springing up of online market around the world including amazon, e-bay and local ones like Jumia and Konga. These mart sell wide range of products such as food items, wears, gadgets, phones and computers.

There are over two hundred website that sell phones and computer products. Many of them sell other products while few of them are phone Continue reading